Monday, February 2, 2009

Business in Mulege

We had 8 errands/chores to do while in town and were successful in completing 6 of them. Unfortunately the post office closes at 1pm daily, and the place where you buy propane said we should come back tomorrow. It seems when you want to buy propane, you have to leave your tank with the guy, as there’s actually nowhere to buy propane in Mulege, so the guy at Yee’s collects tanks from people, drives to Santa Rosalia 45 miles north, gets all the tanks filled, and tells people to come pick them up the next day. We need to paint our name on our tank in order to ensure we get ours back. We have two propane tanks, so giving this one up for a day doesn’t leave us without. But we did wash 3 loads at the laundromat, buy groceries, go to the internet cafĂ© for blog posting and email, buy gas for the car, fill up our 5-gallon water jug at a faucet in town, and stop at the hardware store for a plumbing washer and small propane bottles for our camp stove, so altogether a successful, if not very fun, journey (Note to Lynn: we grew lots more dendrites figuring out how to accomplish each of these tasks – none are as straight-forward to us as at home. Example: at the laundromat you have to buy rectangular tokens for the washing machines, but use U.S. quarters in the dryers, and the language difference makes it a bit of a puzzle to understand this initially). By the time we returned to our campground at Bahia Concepcion we were more than ready for a beer on the beach and were shortly joined by our neighbors, Jim and Jan, the Canadian/Australian couple. We sat on the beach exchanging stories until 8:15pm when we realized we were about to miss dinner and would have to go straight to bed, so went to our respective RVs to eat. We cooked half of the large shrimp we bought from a beach vendor this morning and paired it with salad makings – delicious!

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