Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Taos, New Mexico


We left Albuquerque this morning,  drove right through Santa Fe (we’ve both been there several times already) and continued on 65 miles north to Taos. At over 7,000 feet elevation, last time we were here in February 2008 it was snowing and 27 degrees.


Taos is small, artsy and very pretty. Today with sunshine and 53 degrees, it was warm enough to wander the town Plaza for a couple of hours, then sit on the second floor balcony of a restaurant right on the square for calamari and a beer. Out of the wind and in the sun, it was actually warm enough to sit in our t-shirts!  But, we have to admit we have left summer behind. Las Cruces in southern New Mexico was the last time Bob wore short pants. The temperature is predicted to get down to 27 tonight. 

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