Thursday, March 21, 2013

More of the Same

Days on cruise:  312

At the risk of boring you to death, we’ll continue to post  messages about our preparations for the Sea Trial/Survey and evening social life. This is what it’s like AFTER the Loop, when getting ready to sell a boat.

Tuesday and Wednesday were full of more minor repairs on Dave’s part (our brilliant Marine Tech), and cleaning, sorting and packing on our parts. Bob and Dave tested the window repair job by trying their darned-est to get it to leak, using  high water pressure from a hose to blast the window from all directions, simulating a wind-driven rain. Woo hoo – no leaks! Nice to have success!

Friends Allyn and Mark on “Second Wind”, who we met in Sanibel a month ago, only a week after they began their Loop, arrived in Fort Pierce Wednesday afternoon and tied up across the river at the municipal marina.


Cathryn and Allyn did another of their join-effort potluck dinners (crockpot pork roast cooked in apple juice and peanut butter, plus edamame from Cathryn; salad, quinoa with mushrooms and home-made applesauce from Allyn), and the four of us convened on Second Wind for a lingering meal and good conversation.


It’s less than a week until the Sea Trial/Survey, and we’re feeling like it will be no problem to be ready. So we’re planning one last “anchor out” night this weekend, if the weather cooperates.

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