Sunday, July 19, 2009

We've Been Remiss

Since getting home at the end of March we've been remiss about keeping our Blog up to date. In part because we were not sure what, if anything, we wanted to do with it on an ongoing basis. We’ve decided to keep going with it, since it served a useful role easing the process of keeping our friends and family informed about our location and well-being last winter. Since we plan to be gone even longer this year, we think it can play that role on an ongoing basis. As a result we've decided to post a series of postdated entries that essentially bring the Blog up to date on some major happenings over the last three months, with emphasis on the things we've been doing to make next year's travels even better. We promise not to let anymore large gaps occur, although we do not intend to try for daily posts as we did while we were in Mexico. Until we leave in the fall we will probably only post “significant” events, since our daily lives, while pleasant enough, don’t deserve memorialization! Given the more periodic nature of our posts you may wish to take advantage the feature on the blog where you can sign up for email notifications of a new post. Bob also intends to make some changes to the blog and try out a few new things, so don’t be surprised if you see some features come and go over the next couple of months. If you know of any good sources of blog tutorials, let him know. The updates are posted in the normal blog fashion: latest first, so you have to go back to the April post to begin the update.

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